Blushing Beauty
Birthday Bouquet
Bewitched Rose 1967 - Watercolor
Oriental Lilly - Watercolor
The Lavender Bunch - Watercolor
Red as Roses - Watercolor
Petite Roses - Watercolor
Tulipa - Watercolor
Queen of the Night - Watercolor
Red Clover - Watercolor
Tulip Tree Treasures - Watercolor
Alpine Strawberry - Watercolor, Pen and Ink
Azalea Blooms - Watercolor, Pen and Ink
An Afternoon with Buttercups and Violets - Watercolor and Pen and Ink
Groovy Gardens II - Watercolor, Pen and Ink
Honeysuckle Bubblegum - Watercolor and Pen and Ink
Greyed Peony - Watercolor Pencil
Wildflower Garden - Watercolors, Watercolor Pencil, Graphite
Stylized Peony - Watercolors, Pen and Ink
Pretty in Pink - Watercolor Pencil, Graphite
Fraisier - Watercolor Pencil, Graphite
Honeysuckle Study - Graphite
Lovely Lonicera - Watercolor Pencil, Graphite
Fallen Leaf - Graphite
Autumn Leaf - Colored Pencil
Winding Woodbine - Watercolor Pencil on tinted paper
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